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Integrative Massage Icon

Integrative Massage

60, 90, and 120 min.
Price: $85-$145

Integrative massage is a combination of different techniques and skills that work in harmony with one another. Using this holistic approach, we are able to gain more knowledge about the client’s condition. This allows the massage practitioner to work with the client to create a treatment plan that best suits their unique needs.

Some of the modalities that are used in this integrative process include:

Working one-on-one with your massage practitioner, you will have the ability to design a massage that uses the right amount of pressure.

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Structural Reflexology Icon

Structural Reflexology®

60, 90, and 120 min.
Price: $85-$145

Structural Reflexology®, developed by Geraldine Villeneuve, analyzes foot alignment and function to correct foot problems by seeking the cause of painful symptoms. The foot structure is assessed, aligned, and then by utilizing Reflexology, massage techniques, and gentle taims, joint and muscle tension is relieved. Pain experienced in other areas of the body often originates in the feet, and this service seeks to apply therapy at the source.

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CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy

60 and 90 min.
Price: $85-$115

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle therapy, with a pressure no greater than 5 grams, that targets restrictions in the soft tissues surrounding the central nervous system. The craniosacral system encompasses membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Daily strains and stresses can tighten body tissues which can distort the craniosacral system. These distortions can restrict the central nervous system and prevent its healthy functioning as well as other systems that it influences. CST seeks to normalize this environment and can help treat the following conditions.

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Reiki/Energy Therapy Icon

Reiki/Energy Healing

60 min.
Price: $85

Reiki/Energy Healing is a technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch. This energy activates the natural healing process of the client’s body and restores physical and emotional well-being. It helps move toxic energy that can cause inflammation or injury.

Available, right now, as an add-on or stand-alone service.

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Reflexology Lymph Drainage Icon

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)

60, 90 and 120 min.
Price: $85-$145

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) is a reflexology technique that focuses on lymphatic reflexes on the feet, which are worked on to cause an effect on the body’s lymphatic system. This can be added to any service as needed, or it can be purchased as a stand-alone service.

Add Aromatherapy for an additional $10.

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MVL Essence Therapy Icon

Light in Winter Darkness

60 min.
Price: $100

Find your light this winter with a service that can’t be missed! Receive a 60-minute service, which includes an exclusive combination of dry brushing, a balancing application of Winter Flame Body Oil Blend, CranioSacral Therapy, and Reflexology of the hands and feet. To wrap it up, a foot salve will be applied to your feet. You get to take the remainder of the 2oz Winter Flame Body Oil Blend home with you! The Winter Flame Body Oil Blend and the Sparsha Foot Salve are made locally by our friends MJH Yoga and Ayurveda in Montpelier.

You can combine this technique with another service to get the maximum benefits.

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Prenatal Massage Icon

Prenatal Massage

60 and 90 min.
Price: $85-$115

Prenatal massage focuses on the needs of pregnant women as their bodies changes during the pregnancy process. It is therapeutic and works to improve the function of muscles, joints, and circulation. It also provides an outlet to relieve stress, both mental and physical.

Note: We provide a pregnancy pillow so that you may lie on your stomach. This is safe for both the baby and the mother. However, a sideline position may be used with the pillows cushioning your side.

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Custom Services

Design your own sessions by letting us know what you’re looking for. You can pick from our add-on services, Reiki, Reflexology, Foot Scrub, or Cranial work, and make them your main service. Simply choose your duration and write in the notes what you’re looking for. These sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes long at the same prices listed on our add-on page.

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